Stories3 October 20247 min

How Bizzcontrol Grew from 3 Founders to 70,000+ Users: Alumni Spotlight

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Bizzcontrol, a standout alumni from 2020, was founded by Nicholas De Nil (CEO), Lode Cools (CTO), and Wim Hoornaert (COO) to empower accountants in providing proactive advice to entrepreneurs. Fast forward to today, and they’ve achieved over €3 million in revenue (or Annual Recurring Revenue-ARR), gaining the trust of 70,000 companies! 

We caught up with Nicholas to explore their inspiring journey and the lessons learned along the way.

Key lessons from Start it @KBC

1. Finding the right product-market fit

In the early days, it’s easy to think you’ve created the perfect solution. However, as Nicholas notes, the market often has other ideas. 

“You must be relentless in testing and refining your product based on real customer feedback. If customers aren’t buying, keep improving until you achieve the right product-market fit—that’s essential for driving sales.”


2.  Networking and mentorship are essential

“Start it @KBC provided us with access to experienced mentors, investors, and industry connections. We quickly realized that a strong network offers crucial support, guidance, and opportunities that can accelerate growth and lead to funding or partnerships.”

3. Building a scalable business model  

As Bizzcontrol began to expand, scalability became a priority. “Start it taught us how to design efficient processes, marketing strategies, and operational models. We learned that without a scalable business model, growth can become unsustainable, compromising quality and resources.”

Overcoming challenges: the path to product-market fit

Like many startups, Bizzcontrol faced many challenges on their journey. One major hurdle was finding the right product-market fit. “After a year of development, we didn’t see the traction we expected,” Nicholas recalls. “Through Start it, we were encouraged to test our assumptions and listen closely to our customers. That persistence paid off when we finally found the right fit.”

Proud Milestones: team growth and market expansion

Bizzcontrol left Start it @KBC as a small team of three, without external funding and with only a few customers. “The program prepared us for the next steps, such as fundraising, hiring, scaling, and marketing,” Nicholas reflects.

Today, they have grown to a team of 30, raised over €3 million, and serve 70,000 companies on their platform. “We’re especially proud of our recent expansion into the Netherlands, where we’re building a local team to support our growth.”

Bizzcontrol Founders

Advice for new startups: Stay persistent and flexible

When asked for advice for early-stage entrepreneurs, Nicholas shares essential insights: “Be persistent, but remain flexible when things don’t go as planned. Build a passionate team and never underestimate the power of customer feedback to refine your product. Surround yourself with mentors and fellow entrepreneurs who have navigated this journey before. The Start it community is a great place to connect with such individuals.”

If you’re looking to refine your sales approach or gain insights into scaling, our Sales Sprint program might be a valuable resource. It’s an excellent opportunity to learn alongside other founders facing similar challenges.

Looking ahead: what’s next for Bizzcontrol

With their success in Belgium and progress in the Netherlands, Bizzcontrol is focused on further growth. “We’ve become a reference for advisory solutions in accounting in Belgium, and we’re eager to replicate that success in the Netherlands. 

So, if anyone is up for the exciting challenge of scaling a successful business in a neighbouring country, I’d love to have a coffee with you!” Nicholas concludes.

Bizzcontrol Team

Bizzcontrol’s journey

is the perfect example of how mentorship, persistence, and a strong focus on product-market fit can transform a startup into a scalable business. 

Stay tuned for more inspiring alumni success stories from Start it @KBC!