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Get access to the best experts and mentors.

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Our mentors have deep knowledge of and lived experience in your domain or business.They master calibration, knowledge transfer and bringing focus on the operational next steps. These mentors have got your back, ask the right questions, discover your blind spots and give you new ideas based on know-how. They encourage and inspire you, and open your eyes to possibilities you wouldn’t think of yourself

Why a mentor?

They’ve been around the block

They are masters of advice giving

They've got your back

They are always helping you evolve

Accelerate your wisdom

Our mentors empower you with insights by asking you all the right questions.


The first step is finding out where a startup stands and what it needs to grow. Our mentors help you navigate all the different forks in the road and make strategic decisions that influence your business model. They do this through an active process of asking the right questions and understanding of what makes you tick as a company.

Knowledge transfer

Our mentors never just tell you what to do. They want you to get there yourself so you can gain a deeper grasp of business sectors and how your sector works. They share all their hard-won insights with you, and then challenge you to follow your own path.

Next steps

The next steps are the ones you take yourself, but our mentors have your back. They will help you translate insights into action in a strategic and measured way. This might involve going back to the drawing board sometimes to tinker with the assumptions challenged during calibration. Or it may just mean taking concrete follow-action right away.

Meet our +169 mentors


Aisha Kothari


Alexandra Vanhuyse

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Alexandre Dutoit

mentor Alpcan Bozkanatmentor Alpcan Bozkanatmentor Alpcan Bozkanat

Alpcan Bozkanat


Ana Espada

Science Manager, Researcher at Centro de Química Estrutural, Institute of Molecular Sciences
Mentor Huynen-AndreMentor Huynen-AndreMentor Huynen-Andre

André Huynen