StoriesStartups30 July 20185 min

Startup stories: blogs, vlogs and podcasts created by our own community

Startup stories blogs vlogs and podcasts created by our own community 3 en
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Blogposts, videos, podcasts, … the Start it @KBC startups are definitely putting themselves out there! Every month, we handpick some of the best content our young entrepreneurs are sharing online. This month’s selection features the biggest office trends of 2018 by workspace design agency Space Refinery, some great tips to find the right sales talent by online recruiters Sympl, useful parking tips by the parking community Seety and an amazing example of what AirShaper’s aerodynamic simulations can accomplish.

Startup stories blogs vlogs and podcasts created by our own community 3 en

Space Refinery takes a look at the office trends of 2018


A great workspace promotes great work. With that philosophy in mind, Space Refinery was founded. The Brussels-based startup strongly believes in the power of a positive workspace. Because an office that employees enjoy, will lead to increased productivity and a better team spirit. We spend one third of our time at work, so why would we settle for a dull, outdated and uninspiring office?

Space Refinery designs workspaces that have an impact on its users and help businesses go forward. The agency took a closer look at the main office trends of 2018 and listed the ones that will dominate workspaces around the world in the coming years. What should you expect? A strong focus on health and comfort, more flexibility and smart technology, and a key role for the integration of natural elements in office interiors.

Want to know more about the trends that are shaping the office of the future? Read the full article here.

How do you recruit the perfect sales talent?


For his Sales Acceleration Show, Start it @KBC’s sales coach Michael Humblet invited Mark Herman, professional recruiter and one of the founders of Sympl. This online RaaS platform (Recruiting as a Service) has made recruiting easier, cheaper and faster. Michael and Mark went looking for the best way to find and recruit the right sales talent.

In their search for a perfect SDR, companies have to look beyond a person’s competences and experience. But how do you know whether a candidate has the right attitude and social skills to be the perfect sales representative, without ending up in a long and demanding selection process? This is where online recruiting comes in, using pre-recorded videos and online interviews. Watch the episode of the Sales Acceleration Show here.

To see more of Michael’s Sales Acceleration Show, make sure you subscribe to his Youtube channel.

Park smart, thanks to the Seety community


Are you paying one of Belgium’s many lovely cities a visit soon? Then it’s best to think ahead about where you’re going to park your car. Parking in city centers can be pretty expensive, frustrating and time consuming, if you have no idea where the best parking spots are. Luckily Seety is here to help you out. This startup believes in connecting drivers and creating a community that shares parking info. Seen an officer, writing tickets? Got a fine yourself? Or do you have some great parking space tips? Use the app and tell the community!

In this article, Seety hands out free tips to get the best parking spots in Leuven. Whether you’re visiting during the week or in the weekend, at night or by day, there’s always a right parking spot for you. It doesn’t matter if you want to park near the train station or in the heart of the city, paying or for free: cPark knows exactly where you should go. Read the full article here.

AirShaper helps to blend drones and blimps


Drones are an exciting tool to create stunning videos and photos. They have become extremely popular in recent years, but there is still room for technical improvement. The buzzing sound drones make and their battery issues, are just two of the challenges drone manufacturers are facing. But maybe blimp technology can offer the solution!

With the help of aerodynamic simulation research by AirShaper, Hybrid-Airplane Technologies created the H-Aero©, a high-tech blend of a drone and a blimp. The 2-meter diameter object combines the silent hovering of a classic blimp with the manoeuvrability of a modern-day drone. It’s filled with helium to carry a load, while small propellers on the side give it the mobility of a drone.

Want to know more about how this innovative drone came to life? Check out the full article here.