What’s on your to-do list for 2020? FibriCheck took a moment during the holidays to reflect on what they accomplished in 2019 and wrote down what they will be doing in the year ahead. Other stories this month focus on magical corporate workshops (Abracademy), the safety of your ears (Loop) and how to avoid performance anxiety (Eduvik). Enjoy the read!

FibriCheck looks back (and forward)

A brand-new year traditionally brings new ambitions and fresh expectations. That’s exactly what FibriCheck was thinking, when they wrapped up 2019. In a blog post published at the end of the year, the FibriCheck team took a look at the accomplishments of 2019 and had a peak at the exciting new challenges that lie ahead in 2020. Read all about them on the FibriCheck blog.
Ready to learn in 2020

Abracademy brings learning to life, with the help of… magic! Its corporate workshops have helped numerous organizations upgrade their professional development and that of their employees. After a very successful 2019, Abracademy’s Priya Ghai took a look at the feedback they got from their clients and zoomed in on what they had in common. Check out the interesting results on the Abracademy blog.
Ring, ring: 7 tips to avoid ear damage

Trust us: tinnitus, or ringing ears, is something you definitely don’t want to get stuck with. Depending on the degree of the ear damage, tinnitus can be hard – or even impossible – to fix. So how do you make sure it won’t happen to you? Loop ear protection knows exactly what it takes to prevent your ears from ringing. Read the 7 tips to protect your ears on their blog.
Don’t give performance anxiety a chance

How come some people are super confident in everything they do, while others are paralyzed by the thought of failure? E-learning platform Eduvik wrote an interesting blog post about the impact of performance anxiety. Where does this extreme pressure come from, and how can you fight it? What is the difference with ordinary stress? Neuropsychologist Tilly Soubry shares the answers here (Dutch).