Entrepreneurship20 June 20194 min

Startup stories: your monthly shot of startup content

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We searched the web to find out what our startups have been up to. One thing many of them have in common is the search for more efficiency, whether it’s via blockchain technology (SettleMint), work floor yoga (Yoga Time) or ways to make 1-on-1 meetings more productive (Frizby). We also discovered the potential of conscious shopping (Cosh!) and sustainable exhibition stands (Konligo).

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HR tool Frizby makes one-on-one’s a piece of cake

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Everyone will agree that one-on-one meetings cost time and effort, but they are of the utmost importance if you want to make your employees feel heard. Creating time to inform your employees and make them understand your goals and expectations, will result in better performances. On top of that, it will allow you to get to know your employees. Frizby gives you an overview of your one-on-one’s and enables you to keep track of previous meetings. Find out what is most important when set up evaluation meetings in this blog post.

SettleMint’s year of success

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SettleMint is one of the first companies in Belgium to develop a tangible blockchain tool. Mint is a blockchain toolbox that allows business developers to easily integrate blockchain functionalities into their day-to-day business activities. No wonder that this cutting-edge technology is getting a lot of media attention. Last month, SettleMint received the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase II Grant and they were awarded a proof of concept by Standard Chartered and a VLAIO grant. Find out more about SettleMints road to success in the full article.

COSH Guide: a sustainable shopping tour in the city

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COSH! has a dream to make sustainable fashion accessible for everyone. The startup created the Pokémon Go of sustainable shopping: a real-time overview of sustainable stores in your neighborhood. A recent market study showed that 75% of people still likes to buy their sustainable clothing in a physical store. Shopping has become a form of digital detox and that’s why COSH! invented a Google Maps for conscious shopping: The COSH Guide. Read the full article (Dutch) to find out exactly how COSH came to this decision and what the platform can do.

Yoga Time for a stress-free life

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Stress can affect your day-to-day life in more ways than you thought possible. It takes over your physical and mental state; you can’t think clearly and you’re always tired. Yoga time found a way to cope with that stress - you might have guessed it: yoga. Get back to basics and take some time for yourself. Learn some new yoga exercises to free yourself from stress, in this article and video.

Sustainability first in new exhibition stands

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Each year around 44 million companies have a stand in an exhibition. The amount of money spent on the creation of those stands is around 60 billion euros each year. That’s an enormous amount. The bad news is that large parts of the stand are thrown away after the fair. However, Konligo has developed a new type of sustainable exhibition stands. A minimum amount of waste is the new goal for exhibitors. How can they achieve this? Read the full article to find out.