Insights20 January 20221 min

Why we exist

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The biggest challenge when entering a new market is getting face time with C-level decision-makers. You have to know who they are, they have to get to know you… Trust isn’t built in a day. It takes time and money. We provide a shortcut, saving you valuable time and budget, by setting up your sales team in the sweet spot with the right prospect at the right time.

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Benefit from our unparalleled access to high-level people and opportunities.

We are part of Start it X, a collective of brands, companies and platforms dedicated to innovation and growth. Because we are so closely connected to other elements in the Start it X network - including the biggest start-up accelerator and a highly respected incubation program in Belgium - we have unparalleled access to real decision makers and shortcuts to real opportunities. By choosing Start it Expand, you benefit from everything the diverse Start it X network has to offer, including experts per industry, coaches, mentors, corporate partners, investors, an English-speaking community, hands-on online courses to boost specific skills and more. We will help your sales team accelerate their process and increase your control over your international expansion.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating:
  • 95% success rate
  • 3x faster
  • 6x cheaper